Monday, June 13, 2005

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

I know you may not recognize it...but that was once the sweet little silver 2002 VW Jetta that i owned...and yes its demise was when it met a green buick regal on I-35 in Austin, TX on April 2, 2005 around 12:00pm...Why the update now on it...well, after waiting two weeks to find out that they declared my car totalled, BIG SURPISE THERE!!! THE ENGINE IS UNDER THE CAR, well most of least the bottom half, the top half is back up by the windsheild; my little lizard friends at Geico paid the rest of the car off and sent me a fatty check besides that...With that fatty check I bought my Sweet Toyota Tundra Pick-up, Dark Green, but thats besides the point. Why might you ask is this the gift that keeps on giving? No, Geico didnt enroll me in the jelly of the month club, they just keep giving me money...apparently when they set the value of what used to be my car they forgot to take into account that i had butt warmers in my front seats, a common occurence in the great white north that the ladies loved, but down here in Texas they dont really need them, in fact they should have butt coolers in seats, that would be awesome, A/C pumped right out of the seat, the ultimate two months after my accident they finally realize that i had heated seats, and they send me a check for $400 to cover the difference...HOW SWEET IS THAT!?...the point of this story...well, there are two...Geico is friggin sweet, for now, and next time you steal and strip down a VW Jetta with seat warmers street value of those babies has got to be well over $200 if thats what the insurance company is paying out.

Oh, and don't worry, i wasnt at fault, and the Buick was okay, along with the 4 other cars that just decided to STOP in the middle of the interstate...WHO DOES THAT...HONESTLY!


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