Monday, August 08, 2005

Coaching has its perks...

Well, this was it August 1 4:30 a.m., my introduction to coaching Texas High School Football...Thats right 4:30, practice didnt start that early, but so i can be up, to school, and ready to coach that is the time the alarm had to go off, and it did. First practice started at 6:30 am went really well, even when i pulled my hammy (hamstring - muscle in back of upper leg between your knee and your butt) beating a freshman out in a sprint (i'm much quicker than i look, really!) we handed out some equipment and went up to camp which was only like a half hour away, but it was still good team bonding time, and the perfect time for Strep throat to attack me and ravage my body into a fever that would cause my body to reach temperatures the texas sun would be jealous of. Then came the fun part the swollen glands causing the throat to close up and make it near impossible to swallow, but just possible enough to have a shooting pain run from my throat to my ears. Thanks to modern medicin and a little friend i like to call the Concordia Health Plan, i was able to go to the doctor, get a steroid like shot in the side of my butt, i felt like a Major League Baseball Player getting shots of steroids from Jose Conseco, then i was prescribed these monster pills that i have to take three times a day, but i am a football coach in texas, and i do get to push and pull kids around by their facemasks and yell at them ala Lou Holtz circa 1988 Notre Dame...and that makes it all worth it in the end...


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