Friday, October 21, 2005


With the Astros World Series birth and the city of Houston boycotting the use of socks for the next two weeks my sympathies lie in a differnt city, no not St. Louis, Boston, or New York, i feel for the North side of chicago, why you ask?...well, those loveable losers there on the northside of chi-town, the cubbies, where to they put their loyalties for this series, you would think first National League of course, but can you root for a division rival, then you think American League of course cause the NL opponent is a division rival, but the AL representative is none other than the team from the south side, the white sox. I feel not only for their inability to make it to the series, but for this years inability to even root for a team participating in the series, its like a Mets fan watching a Yankees/Braves series...its just sucks.


Blogger hannah said...

look - a real comment...

but seriously. you totally hit my dilemna on the head. how do i deal with this? yeah, i guess i could be happy for the city if the sox actually pull it off and win, but can if i truly root for them i would feel like i was betraying my cubbies. i love my cubbies. so then i think, i can root for houston...i'd rather see the NL beat out the AL...but it still isn't quite right. unfortunately, it's the best i've got right now, so it'll have to do. GO ASTROS!

10/24/2005 4:29 PM  

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