Tuesday, December 13, 2005

End of the Semester...Boy am i Tired

It is the end of the semester here in H-town, and it couldn't be better timing. The attitude epidemic seems to be sweeping the building faster every second, students are stressed because of finals, faculty are stressed because of grading, and support staff is stressed because everyone wants them to do something different, and to get it done NOW. But all in all i have still found time to notice a few oddities running around.

1. Anti-dust Chalk - kind of like communism, looks good on paper, but doesnt really exist.

2. New and Improved - is it new, or is it an improvement on the old one?

3. Mr. F, can i ask you a question? - Well guess i dont have much of a choice, you already did.

4. Money - Apparently the great wizard keeps that behind the curtain too...and the money that is around seems to disappear like a fart in the wind.

5. Vacation - Its a mirage...it looks very nice and inviting, but we all push stuff off till vacation, we will certainly have more time for it then right?

6. Extra-Credit - Why give a kid more work to do so they can bring their grade up, the reason its low is cause they didnt do their work...HELLO!!!!!

Thats it for now, back to the joy of grading, actually i cant complain, but we may revisit the commonalities of Proctor and Proctology later this week during finals...i think its time for a "vacation"


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