Friday, June 30, 2006

Movin' on up

I'm movin on up to the north side, to a delux apartment on the east side...Well, after a so far fruitless search for a full-time teaching position in the area of secondary art education i have decided that i will be moving back up to the greater Milwaukee area for the time being. I should be arriving in Milwaukee around the 24th of July after a wonderful North Carolina Coast vacation. At that point i will be settling in Milwaukee, hopefully finding a temporary job until i can start subbing for the next year, then i will be working on either going back to school full time or getting a full-time teaching job. Apparently the Lord has a plan, but i am not old enough to understand yet...I just hope i become old enough soon, cause this no income thing is going to start to hurt...really bad...

Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm on vacation!