Thursday, May 26, 2005


We'll its finals week here in Houston, and sitting down yesturday proctoring the English 2 Honors final and i had some sort of smart person revelation...Proctor...Proctology...Proctologist...all have that same root word "Procto" this sends me on the search...

Proctor - 1. A supervisor especially of an examination or dormitory in a school. 2. To supervise (an examination).

Proctology - The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.

Proctologist - A specialist in proctology.

So my theory is that i am the supervisor of an examination that has to deal with the colon, rectum, and anus...I am sure if you were to ask any of the students in that room taking the test they would agree that the test was definitly chapping that region of their body...

As for myself, i think it has to do with the fact that both scenarios are a pain in the butt...cause proctoring is quite possibly the most boring activity i have ever taken part in and the proctologist...well, i have never been, but i am sure that it isn't comfortable.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sleeping issues

Okay, so i am a huge fan of sleep, but this has gotten to be a little rediculous lately...
Incident #1 - Last week Thursday when a certain friend named Stephanie told me that she was going to call me back…well, Friday morning came and she didn’t call…SO I THOUGHT…while talking to her on instant messenger I apparently answered the phone while I was sleeping and laughed a little bit, and that was it…and I had ZERO recollection of this…

Incident #2 - Took place last night after I fell asleep while on the phone talking to a certain friend named Hannah I apparently woke up asked if she was there, looked at my phone, realized I had been hung up on, then rolled over, plugged the phone in and laid it on my table next to my bed…SO I THOUGHT…until about 2 or 3 am when I really woke up grasping my phone underneath my pillow…so at this point I really plugged the phone in and placed it on the table…

Incident #3 - As I was dreaming and reaching out for something I woke up with my arm stiffly outstretched towards the fan chain hanging above my bed…

yeah…this teaching stuff REALLY is driving me crazy…feel free to laugh at me…its okay